Name Transport Goliath-Class Factory Ship Supplemental Equipment Main Cargo Hold Main Cargo Hold NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE Total Ship Costs Equipment Special FeaturesĮssential Equipment Goliath-Class Factory Ship Lathe Pattern 2a Drive (Transport) Miloslav G-616.b Warp Engine (Transpor, Raider, Frigate) Gellar Field Warpsbane Hull Emergency Field None Repulsor Shield Exploration Bridge (Transport, Raider, Frigate) Clemency-Pattern Life Sustainer (Transport, Raider, Frigate) Clan-Kin Quarters (Transport, Raider, Frigate) R-50 Auspex Multi-Band Crack Crew Weapons Mars Pattern Macrocannon Mars Pattern Macrocannon Mars Pattern Macrocannon slot exceeds the ships weapon capacity slot exceeds the ships weapon capacity slot exceeds the ships weapon capacity slot exceeds the ships weapon capacity slot exceeds the ships weapon capacity
Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8 Item 9 Item 10 Item 11 Item 12 Item 13 Item 14 Item 15
Mount Location Dorsal Port Starboard Weapon_Limit Weapon_Limit Weapon_Limit Weapon_Limit Weapon_LimitĮssentials + Weapons Supplemental Equipment Void Shields Ships Bridge Life Sustainers Crew Quarters Augar Arrays Crew